1----prospal 73----- jokinen 76------iginla 82 Passing play
2-----glencross 71---stajan74---------stempniak 72 Run and guns
3-----comeau 68------walter 68------ moss 71 --------- Run and guns
4-----jackman 67-----MacMillan 64------ kostopoulos 67 Dump and chase
1----Bouwmeester 76---- babchuck
2----sarich 67-----------Giordano 74
3----hannan 69----------butlerg
ardien partant--Kiprussoff 80
substitu-----------Karlsson 70
pp1-------prospal73--------- jokinen 76-----iginla 82 passing play
sarich 67 ---- Giordano 74
pp2---- glencross71----- stajan 74------stempniak 72 shoot from the point
babchuck----------Bouwmeester 76
pk1----- glencross 71-----stajan 74 passive box
Bouwmeester 76---- Giordano 74
pk2---- jokinen 76-------kostopoulos passive box
----hannan 69------sarich 67
scratch----- Germyn------Cameron------Breen